12 November 2016

Forgotton Hero, Alexander Fraser: Win, Win, Win

In August I published a review of Ron Shaw's book Forgotten Hero: Alexander Fraser. It was based on a complementary copy from Global Genealogy. One of my comments was about the lack of an index.
Three months later there is an index. It's online at http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/eastern-ontario/resources/199079.htm/.

How did it get there? I didn't need the book in my collection, which I'm hoping will shrink rather than grow. In discussion with Mike More who leads The Ontario Name Index project he agreed to arrange extraction of names for that database and provide the index back to Global Genealogy for posting on the website. Then the book would be added to the OGS/Ottawa Branch Library at the Ottawa City Archives.

Now it's mission accomplished.


  1. Good on you, John. As a non-fiction reader, for the most part, and librarian, I immediately look for an index. Not finding any diminishes my interest in reading the book much further.

    Thanks, Gail B.

  2. I can't thank you enough for the initiative you took in securing the help of the Ontario Name Index Project in indexing the book I wrote with Irene Spence, 'Forgotten Hero'. As a result, my other books, 'Tales of the Hare', 'First We Were Soldiers' and 'Influence & Ambition' will also be indexed by the project (all available from Global Heritage Press). That those books were not indexed in the first place is a case of 'shame on me'. My next book 'A Swarm of Bees' which Global Heritage Press will release shortly, will be properly indexed at time of publication. As will my upcoming books 'Rendition on Wellington Street' and 'Cheese Stakes'. Once again, my appreciation for your intervention.

    Ron W. Shaw
