05 January 2017

Don't miss what does Ancestry has in store for 2017

Two informative emails from Ancestry.

First, "2017 is set to be another great year packed with new records. For starters, we’re continuing our collaboration with the London Metropolitan Archives, so look out for some large—and extremely useful—London collections in the next few weeks.

We’re also focusing on Wales early in the year. It has sometimes proved difficult in the past to bring Welsh records online, so we’re delighted with the wealth of documents we’ll be bringing you very soon.

Across the rest of the UK, we will of course be continuing to grow our collection of parish records, and we also have some very detailed occupation records on the way."

Second, from Bryony Partridge, Ancestry Senior Manager, International Communications regarding Ancestry at 50% off

"You can share the offer with your readers using the codes/links below:

World Deluxe- https://www.ancestry.ca/secure/subscribe/signup/register/O-24355?rtype=11&flowId=11
Canada Discovery - https://www.ancestry.ca/secure/subscribe/signup/register/O-24994?rtype=11&flowId=11

Please note the offer ends on January 8th at 11:59pm ET."

Act fast if it will help.

Following the comments posted below by those unable to get the discount I've had several email exchanges with Bryony Partridge. My own conclusion is that Ancestry sales and promotion don't talk to each other. In my view it amounts to false advertizing.


  1. Just tried the World Deluxe Membership, and although it said "special pricing", it did not offer any discounts.

  2. Also used the link, but see no discount

  3. The discount worked for me! My account is due for renewal but was in a limbo state because I changed my credit card. I was able to use the link to save 50%. Wohoo! :) Note that I called Ancestry first as I wanted to confirm that I wouldn't be double-charged or anything. The agent I spoke with was surprised when I mentioned this blog post (not by name) and mentioned that these types of offers are normally for new members only. She told me to try it to see if it would work and it did.

  4. Hi John

    I've had World Deluxe at Ancestry.ca for years. I noticed in the last year, they have created a level above that called "All Access". That includes their on-line courses and seminars. When I used the link above, it took me to my account and a page that would allow me to upgrade to "All Access" as "special pricing". I didn't click any further.

    Also, two years ago there was about a 50% discount for being a member of the Legion. That disappeared in 2016.

    Don Hall
