17 February 2017

Ancestry adds records of Unemployment Relief for Canadian Settlers, 1932-1939

Mention the 1930s in Canada and depression and drought are the words that spring to mind.
This collection documents Canadian settlers who received assistance from the federal government during the period.

"Each sheet contains the name of the settler, where he is settled (Quebec and westward), the date he settled there, what he received, and when he received it. The assistance received may vary from train tickets to groceries to clothing items. There are often multiple sheets for each settler. Some of these records were written in French."

There are 5,610 records in the collection which originates from holdings at Library and Archives Canada, apparently from Department of Labour fonds (R224-0-4-E).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for bringing this database to our attention, John. I checked it out and found my paternal grandfather, who left Ottawa to resettle in northeastern Ontario in 1934.
