23 March 2017

Satisfaction with Library and Archives Canada Services

In 2016 Nanos Research conducted a survey for Library and Archives Canada on customer satisfaction. An early version of the report and summary is available at http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/pwgsc-tpsgc/por-ef/library_archives_canada/2016/019-15-e/index.html. I recently received a slightly revised Powerpoint version dated 12 September 2016.

Asked "How did you most recently interact with Library and Archives Canada? " 90% responded "through the website." Asked "What subjects are of interest to you at Library and Archives Canada?" more than 72% responded "Genealogy and Family History."

Of those using the website:
  • 68.4% did so "to consult collections for personal interest use", the category that includes genealogy and family history.
  • 55% answered "Yes" when asked "When I started my visit, I knew how to get the information or service I needed." Another 13% answered "they thought so but had difficulty."
  • Asked "How much effort did your search require?" 56% responded "a little", 22% "a lot", and 19% "none at all."
  • Regarding level of satisfaction with various aspects of the website, more than 40% were very satisfied with "the relevance of the content "(highest), "the appearance of the site" and "the clarity of the language." On the negative side less than 20% were very satisfied with the "ease of providing feedback", "ease of finding a person to contact", and "frequency of new content" (lowest).
  • Asked about the importance of various factors above 70% rated "the ease of finding what you were looking for" (highest), "the ability of search mechanisms to find useful results", and "the relevance of the content" very important. Below 30% as very important were "ease of finding a person to contact", and "ease of providing feedback."
The Nanos Research conclusions were:
Overall, being able to find things easily, good search mechanisms and knowledgeable staff are key drivers of who is satisfied and who is not. 
Of just over one in five who offered additional unprompted views about the LAC experience, 41% expressed overall satisfaction and/or satisfaction with the online information. Another 33% want increased access and digitization of materials. A small share of those who offered additional information said they were wanting more government support (six percent), or commented about the confusing building/poor hours/need to make the library mandate more clear/need more staff (five percent).

What do you think?

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