30 May 2017

Crossbones Graveyard

The cemeteries of London are a topic I spoke on recently in Edmonton. One I didn't know about was Crossbones, the final resting place of thousands of mostly the poorest Londoners. Read about it at

Thanks to Jane MacNamara for the tip. Jane is a speaker at the OGS Conference next month in Ottawa.  Such is her popularity as a speaker her Friday workshop is already full. I'd recommend being early for her Saturday afternoon presentation Welcoming Newcomers: Canada’s Patriotic Societies if you want a seat.

On Cemeteries of London, you may enjoy this instrumental version of a Coldplay song by that title.

1 comment:

  1. I first heard of this when my elder daughter posted her shot of the beribboned wall at Crossbones in April 2015. She was taking one of the hundreds of London Walks - perhaps my very favourite thing about London. This walk is a regular offering called Darkest Victorian London . I recommend London Walks to anyone whom I know will be visiting London; there really is something for everybody!
