11 June 2017

BIFHSGO Awards 2017

 At Saturday's Annual General Meeting of the British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa three awards were presented.

Glenn Wright received the award for the best "Before BIFHSGO" educational talk, as voted by members, for his presentation in March "Canadians on Vimy Ridge, 1917: A Short Guide to Resources and Research."

The award for best monthly meeting presentation went to Christine Jackson for her February presentation "The Queen’s Coachman — Our Only Claim to Fame."

Terry Findley accepted the award for the article in the Winter 2016 issue of Anglo-Celtic Roots "The Cutler with a Social Conscience."

The election of Gail Dever to the BIFHSGO Hall of Fame was announced. Gail, a resident of the Montreal area,  will receive the award when able to attend.


  1. Who are the other members of the BIFHSGO Hall of Fame? Are they posted somewhere?

  2. Find them at https://bifhsgo.ca/cpage.php?pt=7
