08 June 2017

Internet Genealogy: Jun/Jul 2017

The last issue of Internet Genealogy magazine mention here was Aug/Sept 2015. I let my subscription lapse as, for me, there wasn't enough content to justify the cost. Just like a new pair of shoes  - nice and shiny but not my size; there was nothing wrong with the magazine except it didn't fit where I was at in my family history journey.
On Monday I was in a store prior to meeting a friend for lunch and saw a copy on the rack. I wondered if it had changed in nearly two years.

Here are the contents, and a few comments.

When Your Ancestors from “Over Here” Went “Over There”.
David A Norris offers tips for tracing your US World War I ancestor .
This would appeal to the magazine's large US readership. As I have no US World War I ancestors it's an example of good content of no interest for my family history. There is a very basic half page three item Guide to Canadian WW1 Online Resources appended ,which has nothing I didn't know.

Review: Persons of Pinterest.
Lisa A Alzo discusses how to use Pinterest to create a visual timeline for your ancestor.
Early in the article Lisa writes "The downside of Pinterest is that it can be the ultimate "rabbit hole" that often distracts me from my from my work or research goals." There's already more than enough in social media to distract me!

Don’t Go It Alone.
Ed Storey shares how he utilizes a variety of online strategies to research his family history.

Scanning for JOY!
Lisa A Alzo reviews JoyFLIPS.
Interesting. An iOS app, with Android app promised, that allows you to scan photos and other images in video mode. Not clear from the article how this works. Also a website. Reading further on the company website I learned "Our platform is powered by the world’s largest best-of-breed services: Google’s FIREBASE for user data, Amazon’s EC2 for media file storage, web services and IBM’s Watson AI service." The service appears to be free, so how do they fund operations and development? 

The Remarkable Life of an Australian Doctor .
Gabrielle Morgan discovers that there’s more to an obituary than meets the eye.

Review: Pic Scanner Gold.
Tony Bandy looks at the latest version of a popular mobile scanning app for iOS devices.
An update of a previous review of an earlier version. A comparison of various scanner apps would be more interesting.

Benefit of Clergy.
David A Norris explains the origin of a phrase you may encounter while researching old laws and court reports.
An archaic term, not what I thought.

Better Charm Than Incantation.
Sue Lisk offers seven tips to help you be more effective in your online communications with other family historians.

Diane L Richard looks at websites and related news that are sure to be of interest.

The Back Page.
Dave Obee suggests tracing forward has its benefits.
Dave is always worth reading, or listening to as at OGS Conference 2017.

Bottom line, although there are a couple of articles of interest to me in this issue it's not enough for me to subscribe - maybe read it at the library.

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