04 August 2017

BIFHSGO Conference Early Bird Deadline Approaching

Perhaps like me you felt conferenced out after the June OGS event in Ottawa. Understandable. I thought it might be better to give the volunteer organizers a break this year. The decision was made to continue, but ensure different speakers from those at OGS.

Headline speakers this year are:
Celia Heritage, based in the UK, a professional genealogy researcher, instructor, lecturer and author of several books, including Tracing Your Ancestors Through Death Records, and Researching and Locating Your Ancestors.
Paul Milner, a native of England based in Chicago, IL. Returning after receiving rave reviews the last time he spoke here, Paul has been designing workshops, writing books, and lecturing on genealogy for over 35 years. He specializes in research on the British Isles, migration to North America and research methodology.
James F. S. Thomson, another BIFHSGO favourite, is based in Toronto. He teaches advanced family history courses, drawing on over 30 years of experience of family and local history research.
To see the full program take a look at the brochure (pdf). Register before 18 August to receive the early bird discount at the BIFHSGO website; members need to sign in to receive the additional member discount.

1 comment:

  1. Also note that to get a detailed description of each lecture you need to visit the BIFHSGO website - this link should get you to the appropriate page: https://bifhsgo.ca/aem.php?eid=8
