30 November 2017

Ancestors in Science?

With almost 350 years of content the Royal Society journal collection: science in the making is now free to access until 24th January.
You can search over 740,000 pages, 9 separate journals and over 45,000 articles dating from 1665 to 1996.
OCR of full colour scans was used to produce the fully searchable text. That has errors so the basic digital metadata, like author and title, were produced by human indexers.
Search names, especially the less common ones, and places. "Ottawa" finds 788 hits dating from as early as 1846. Search from http://royalsocietypublishing.org/search/

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful stuff. I found an intriguing article about using spider silk for stockings here. Apparently far superior to regular silk if you can get over the scary part. http://rstl.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/27/325/2.full.pdf
