15 December 2017

CEF Service Files December Update

As of today, 15 December 2017,  532,447 (518,124 last month) of 640,000 files are now available online in the LAC Personnel Records of the First World War database. That's according to a LAC Digitization of the Canadian Expeditionary Force Service blog post.

The latest box digitized is 9059 (8803) and last name Smith (Sharp).

If my calculations are correct at last month's rate, which is the same as the previous month, the project will be finished by July 2018.

A tip of the hat and season's greetings to the folks in the digitization team who have made such good progress this year.


  1. Christmas came early, they finally reached my grandfather and grand-uncle!

  2. Thanks for the heads up on the CEF records. I was finally able to obtain my grandfather's military records, something I was unable to do when I made a trip all the way to Ottawa.
