13 February 2018

RootsTech Streaming Schedule

Every year the organizers of RootsTech offer a limited number of sessions streamed live, or nearly live from the event in Salt Lake City.
This year there are sessions from 28 February to 3 March.
As in previous years they are a mixture of inspirational talks and professional family history presentations. This year the streamed talks cover a wider variety of topics than previously, and more genetic genealogy-- that's my impression anyway.

Find the schedule of talks here. All times are for the Mountain Time Zone.

1 comment:

  1. If one downloads the RootsTech App [for either iPhones or Android], one can access all the handots for all the sessions, as well. A boon, as there are a number of non-streamed workshops I'd love to attend if only time & money worked in my favour. The App is relatively easy to use, as I found last year.
