21 April 2018

Sale Prices for DNA Day

The week of DNA Day, 25 April, is one of the best times of the year to buy a test for genetic genealogy. Check your preferred service provider. Prices are in USD and shipping is extra.

Family Tree DNA






  1. John,
    When listing the various DNA tests available, I think you should also mention pluses and minuses for each. For example, access to many of the features of Ancestry and MyHeritage require ongoing subscription costs. That may not be a concern for people planning on continuing their subscription for the long term, but for others it could be a significant expense.

    You can get access to a number of additional tools, as well as matching with more people who have tested on different companies, by transferring your data to GEDMatch or FamilyTreeDNA, where there is no ongoing expense.

  2. How do I get a copy of my DNA from Ancestry.com so I can share it to other places?

  3. In the Help Section: https://support.ancestry.ca/s/article/CA-Downloading-Raw-DNA-Data
