07 June 2018

1926 Census News: wait some more

The following information was provided by Johanna Smith, Director General, Public Services Branch at Library and Archives Canada.
The preparation and digitization of the original (1926 census) microfilm began a few months ago, and we are currently developing the index and contextual material. As soon as these are ready and the interface is translated and the content is linked and prepared for the web, we will make the data and images from the census available on the LAC website. In the coming months we will be in a better position to estimate a release date.
We’ll be making updates to our website periodically as work progresses, at the following link: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/Pages/census.aspx#after_1921

Comment:  The reference to "in the coming months" is not good news. 
The microfilm has been in LAC possession for months prior to the official transfer date. Digital microfilm could have been quickly produced and made available online as soon as the transfer date arrived. Why was this not done allowing public release as soon as possible and various indexing initiatives, including crowdsourcing, to occur?


  1. "the interface is translated" -- these code words should tell you why it will take so much time....

  2. Agree. I'd love to be helping to index this via crowdsourcing.

  3. John, I agree with your comment.
    What I conclude is .............LAC is possibly resting on their laurels.
