06 September 2018

Input to LAC three-year plan

Below is a call for comments from Library and Archives Canada. I have already provided brief input, taking time out from vacation.

My primary concern is access. Despite having made progress in recent years LAC remains behind other peer institutions internationally in making its holdings openly and freely available. For instance, why is LAC witholding the 1926 census of the Prairie provinces which was officially released from Stats Can control several months ago?

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is currently identifying the priorities that will guide it over the next three years. LAC is therefore holding extensive consultations with its partners, stakeholders,  employees, and Canadians before its 2019–2022 three‑year plan is released in a few months.

Until September 14, LAC is asking Canadians: What do you envision as this—your—institution's priorities and activities? What trends could affect LAC's work?

It's easy to participate: visit our web page on "Share your thoughts on our three-year plan"<http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/about-us/consultations/Pages/default.aspx> and send us your ideas and suggestions.

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