29 October 2018

LAC at the 38th Ottawa Antiquarian Book Fair

Likely owing to the snow, unusual for the Book Fair, the space at Tudor Hall in Ottawa was not as crowded as in previous years I've attended.  It didn't mean viewing was that much easier as people lingered to examine the volumes on offer.

I was tempted by a brochure about the Empress of Canada, the ship which brought me to Canada.

Library and Archives Canada was present to publicize the activity by which LAC aims to acquire material published in Canada or abroad by Canadian authors, editors, translators, illustrators or interpreters, or on a subject related to Canada. Naturally duplicates of material already in the collection are not needed.
Learn more about the acquisitions program at www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/about-us/about-collection/Pages/gifts-archives-published-materials.aspx/.


  1. I was there too but didn't see you. I got two wonderful books for a chum researching his courriers de bois ancestors in the exploration of the USA in the 1700s. Great fun. Cheers, BT

  2. Sorry I missed it, however I wish they would hold this in the west end sometimes!

