04 November 2018

Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

14 weird things that have happened in November through history
From History Extra

Six things to do with your data before you die

Extreme (UK) weather reveals changing climate

Tyler Cowen on Economic Growth, Liberalism, and Philosophy (podcast)

British icons to throw off the white cliffs: what’s on your list?
What Canadian icons would you dump? Hockey? Tim Hortons? The RCMP Musical Ride?

When was a word first used in print? You may be surprised! Enter a date to see the (US) words first recorded on that year. Merriam-Webster Time Traveler.

1 comment:

  1. There is just so much info in today's Sundries, John. Wonderful treasure. I have forwarded some to colleagues in the Heritage/History local societes, and the whole shebang to one other. To browse through.

    Thank you for always finding the most intriguing material.

    Gail B
