09 December 2018

Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

MyHeritage LIVE 2018 presentations free online
Recordings of all 24 classes from the MyHeritage event in Oslo are now available online for free. Delivered by MyHeritage staff and internationally renowned genealogists, the sessions covered genealogy, DNA, and the intersection between the two.

London Boroughs in 1964 (map)

Remains of Anglo-Saxon cemetery discovered in Lincolnshire
No mention in the article of DNA testing!

Retail decline, in maps: England and Wales lose 43m square metres of shop space
“Bricks to clicks” means more consumers are shopping online rather than in store meaning less tax revenue for local authorities.

Help the poor: Stop donating canned goods to food banks.
Last Saturday I walked past a parked bus and into the grocery store to be met by the offer of a paper bag for food donations. I ignored it. Such donations are a problem as they require sorting and may not be the items most in demand. Cash goes much further. Hand over $20, and the food bank will be able to buy $100 worth of most needed food, they’ll save on administrative costs and at income tax time you'll get back up to $6.

Nova Scotia Information and Privacy Commissioner - Naughty List
With gift suggestions.

And finally ...

Are you troubled by the banning of 'Baby It's Cold Outside' by some radio stations including the CBC? A CBC opinion piece has received nearly 2,000 comments.
USA Today explained the viewpoints.
Those against the song say it promotes date rape, describing a man pressuring a woman to stay despite her adamantly telling him "no, no, no." Other lyrics like "say, what's in this drink?" have also raised eyebrows.
Supporters of "Baby It's Cold Outside" argue that context is important. When the song was written over 70 years ago, unmarried women would be ostracized for spending the night alone with a man, which made it important to appear as though it was solely the man's idea. Hence lyrics like "my mother will start to worry" and "the neighbors might think..."

Did anyone look at other seasonal songs?

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
We all know open fires are inefficient for heating so contributing to climate change, and they emit noxious substances into the house.
Jack Frost nipping at your toes
Yule-tide carols being sung by a choir
I'll give you that one ... unless you object to the religious connection to the seasonal festival of excess.
And folks dressed up like Eskimos
Eskimos!!! Cultural appropriation ... if it was N*****s the song would be banned in a flash.

Just as I was finalizing this a longer list was posted on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. The list of proposed songs to be banned was hilarious. Thanks John, BT
