02 June 2019

Are you going to RootsTech London?

I'm just one of several Canadians I know crossing the Atlantic to London to attend RootsTech, London, 24–26 October 2019 — just before the latest BREXIT deadline.

My hotel was booked some weeks ago as I knew it was THE family history event in England (and the UK) to attend this year. Now I just learned my application to be an Ambassador has been accepted. That means I get inside information to put on the blog as it's released and at the event.

I was pleased to learn that the event is not expected to be as big as the 20,000 plus attendee events in Salt Lake City which for me is overwhelming — still big — likely a bit less than half the size. Also, the facilities are better than in Salt Lake, and the program is not US-oriented.

Find out more about RootsTech London — Event Genealogy with a British accent — at www.rootstech.org/london/. The three-day pass is currently a discounted £99. 

Keep following the blog for news, discounts and added opportunities.


  1. Good for you John. I would love to be going but can't .... Cheers anyway, BT

  2. I am booked to go. I can never go to the main Rootstech due to time of year. Look forward to seeing you there.
