07 July 2019

Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

LAC holdings on D-Day and the Normandy Campaign, June 6 to August 30, 1944
Part 2 of a blog post series by LAC Military Archivist Alex Comber.

British Jews trace Iberian heritage to retain EU citizenship
From The Economist. "Who might help Remainers keep EU passports? Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition."

Parenting practices around the world are diverse and not all about attachment
Parenting is diverse and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all model. Child-rearing values are a reflection of culture and are vulnerable to generational changes. Higher maternal death rates increase the importance of having many caregivers to look after children:

Most 20th Century Books Unavailable to Internet Users – We Can Fix That
Brewster Kahle from the Internet Archive penned this blog post showing the gap in the availability of 20th-century books online. While most are no longer in print many are in a library - often far from a potential patron. A 21st-century version of interlibrary loan, controlled digital lending through digitization, could again make them available to library patrons.

Beyond LAC Artist in Residence
Although the deadline for applications for this particular initiative Artist in Residence initiative is past the "in residence" idea is one that could be beneficial in other areas. How about "digital historian in residence"?

Experience Stonehenge
Skyscape invites visitors to enjoy the changing Stonehenge sky merely through a website, including the sunrise and sunset, and experience the virtual journey of the stars and the moon from within the stone circle.”  https://www.stonehengeskyscape.co.uk/.

How to move from Chrome to another browser
The Chrome browser is the most popular but not the most secure.

Should we ban bicycles in major urban areas?
Undoubtedly those who insist on dedicated "bike" lanes without paying a dime in road tax would object.


  1. I hope you're joking about that last point.

    1. Where I live, bike lanes are paid out of property taxes, not 'road tax'

    2. Bike lanes make you less likely to die on the street - even if you're driving or walking

    3. Your link is broken

  2. John, as soon as I read "no one expects the Spanish Inquisition" I immediately thought of the Monty Python sketch. "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!" Did you write it that way on purpose? Cheers, BT

  3. Thank you for pointing out the broken link. It should work now. Many people choose to read the evidence before commenting.
