28 July 2019

Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

The past of 40 million Canadians being deciphered by UdeM students
Students from the University of Montreal and other universities, in collaboration with Ancestry which briefly mentioned it at the OGS conference, are working on in a project called The Canadian People - The Canadian Peoples. It will codify and clean the data of the seven censuses carried out from 1851 to 1921. The original is in French — Google can translate.

Will Reanimating Dead Brains Inspire the Next Frankenstein?
In recent experiments, scientists brought back cellular functions to the brains of dead pigs, recalling early galvanism. Could this be the next major advance for genealogy after DNA?

The Typewriter Mystery
A blog post from the Ottawa Jewish Archives. Do you have an old typewriter stored away? Check it out on The Typewriter Database.

Air Pollution Kills
Volkswagen’s cheating diesel cars increased the number of low birth weight babies and asthma rates.

Russian Twitter trolls stoke anti-immigrant lies ahead of the Canadian election
Be concerned about fake social media posts, not just from Russia as Canada heads into a federal election. From The Conversation.

1 comment:

  1. Re: the analysis of census data and its clean-up at U of Montreal et al. In its clean-up, I wonder what they will make over my poor cousin Silas Peterkin as a little boy, with that good Biblical Scot first name, who was reported by the French speaking census taker in Quebec as Celeste, a little girl. Cheers, BT
