27 July 2019

Your mtDNA journey video from FamilyTreeDNA

People who've taken a variety of DNA tests typically find the results of a mitochondrial DNA test the least exciting. Although it gives a good view of your mother's mother's mother's ....  ancestry back millennia, mtDNA changes so slowly that you get many matches back before a time when you can find them in your family tree, often even the exact matches.
Now FTDNA has produced individualized videos giving insight into mtDNA and your test results.
See mine at https://bit.ly/2Yobyzg/.
Debbie Kennett comments on twitter that "While this is a great initiative for customer engagement it presents a highly misleading view of haplogroups. People did not travel around the world in unison based on their membership of a haplogroup. We do not know where any haplogroups originated thousands of years ago."

1 comment:

  1. My video only plays a min 46 sec. I've tried several times to get the rest but no luck. It's not a big deal to me. I've seen the map and there isn't anything in the test itself that will help me find my German grandmothers. I wish I would have saved my money and bought a Y test for a male relative.
