23 September 2019

A new interactive Scots language map

After two years of sifting through old documents, poems and audio recordings, the Scots Language Centre (SLC) unveiled its first digital map of Scotland at a ceremony in Perth.

All place names are written in Scots, showing how the mother tongue has changed over the centuries.

Read the article from The Courier.  Hopefully the map at www.scotslanguage.com/scots-maps, which also gives visitors the chance to create their own road signs and share them on social media, will be back online soon. There's lots of other Scots material accessible from the home page at www.scotslanguage.com/.


  1. I read the article John, but could not get into the interactive language map no matter where I clicked. Cheers, BT

  2. I tried without success as well and if you go directly to the article on his site there is no link to a map.

  3. This might help:
