01 October 2019

Not got enough Blaine?

If you enjoyed the presentations by Blaine Bettinger at #BIFHSGO25 there's an opportunity to attend a free Legacy Family Tree webinar he will be presenting at 10 pm today, 1 October.

The Stories Behind the Segments
"DNA evidence helps us break through brick walls and confirm decades of research, while introducing an entirely new generation of people to genealogy. It also allows us to create maps linking specific segments of DNA to our ancestors. But how many of us stop to consider the story behind that mapped segment of DNA on chromosome 13? Or the miles and years traveled by the piece of DNA on chromosome 22? Join me as I examine some of the amazing stories in my chromosome map!"
Register here.

Blaine also has a series of DNA presentations among the more than 1,000 archived by Legacy and accessible with a subscription.

1 comment:

  1. 7pm on the Pacific Coast.
    Always a great learning opportunity to listen/watch Blaine Bettinger.
