19 January 2020

Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Impersonating an Egyptian?
From a tweet, a list of 19 crimes for which the punishment of transportation over the seas includes this curious entry as #5. Some commenters suggest Egyptian was the origin of gypsy (traveller), but why impersonating rather than being? Despite the appearance, the list may not be official.

Do You Know What's On Your Phone?
From Free Technology for Teachers, delete unused apps from your smartphone of free up storage, reduce risks and extend battery life.

Environment Tops Risks for Global Economy in 2020
Ahead of the organization's annual meeting in Davos, the World Economic Forum has published its annual Global Risks Report. For the first time, the top five most likely risks are all environmental as are three of the top five risks with the greatest impact. Investors are divesting holdings in fossil fuel companies which once led the economy and world stock markets. They now lag.

Shining a laser through a light bulb can reveal the structure of DNA (video)

Google Research: Looking Back at 2019, and Forward to 2020 and Beyond
A long and fairly technical read. Google Timelapse is one of the projects mentioned.

Thanks to this week's contributors
Ann Burns, Arthur Owen, BT, Btyclk, Claire Santry, CM, G.B. in St. C., judylynne, Mike Stapleton, Shirley, Sophronia, Susan Campbell — as well as Unknown and her cousin Anonymous.


  1. I am curious to know where that document about 19 Rules for Transportation was found.

    I have been studying and creating a presentation on Whites Owning Whites, and this piece of information is a great addition.

    Thank you
    Karen Prytula karenprytula33@gmail.com

  2. I just love your "Sunday Sundries". The video on Lasers & DNA was fascinating. Thanks so much for making my Sundays so enjoyable.
