18 March 2020

Anglo-Celtic Roots: Spring 2020

By far the best article in the Spring 2020 issue of Anglo-Celtic Roots is by Patricia Roberts-Pichette and Christine Jackson. Celebrating an “Invaluable Resource”― the Middlemore Project tells the story of the continuing Middlemore project and particularly Patricia's visit to the launch of The Lost Children Exhibition in Birmingham. It focused on the work of Middlemore and the children who passed into and out of the organization's care.

Patricia and the BIFHSGO volunteers who assisted her must feel gratified over the recognition this work received.

Also in this issue are entries from the Society 25th Anniversary writing competition. Second place winner  Lynda Gibson describes the journey her great-great-grandparents made from Scotland to Canada and explores what the experience was like for those who lived it.

Dianne Brydon, the second of three honourable mentions in the competition, delves into the asylums of Ontario from 1877 to 1910 with her well researched but sad story of Mary Brydon.

Sheila Dohoo Faure pens an article in the series on the No. 1 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station research project, this one on Corporal Launcelot Gange Spooner.

There's also my Cream of the Crop column with resources from recent blog posts and the minutes of last year's AGM.

The Roberts-Pichette / Jackson article shows an admirable contribution to service, beyond the exposition of an individual's story; the type of article I'd choose as a competition winner, with the prize that goes along with it.

1 comment:

  1. I called both Patricia and Christine to congratulate them on an excellent piece! BT
