28 April 2020

Newspapers.com FREE Canadian access

Here's the slide from Tuesday's Ancestry Extra webinar showing how to get limited free access to Canadian digitized and full-text searchable newspapers from Ancestry affiliate newspaper.com/.
Take advantage until the end of the month.

Go here to view the webinar with tips on searching and more. Note that contrary to the statement near the beginning you can search by province if you enter via the Browse facility.


  1. I followed a link in the 9 January 2021 Ontario Ancestors weekly update to your blog. Apparently, the free Canadian access ended April 30, 2020. When I type in the given URL, it reverts to newspapers.com.

  2. Thanks for visiting my site Mary. Ontario Ancestors is kind enough to mention it frequently in the weekly update.
    The free access periods are usually limited to a few days — sometimes over a holiday period.
