20 June 2020

The Reopening in Ottawa - NOT

A special meeting of the Ottawa Public Library Board next Tuesday will consider a proposed OPL COVID-19 RECOVERY PRIORITY 2-5 PLAN — https://app05.ottawa.ca/sirepub/cache/2/1jmsuyzro4mmdy2uurqww1su/64364406202020081341826.PDF.

Here's an extract
Many of the agencies and organizations that partner with OPL are currently planning virtual programs only for both the summer and early fall and have not yet committed to a start date for in-person programs. At present, Hamilton Public Library and Vaughan Public Library have cancelled all in-branch programs until 2021, and other public libraries have suspended in-branch programs until further notice.
Since the pandemic, OPL has pivoted to providing virtual programs, including partnered author events such as the Tech Café, weekly storytimes and babytimes, and all programs tied to our Aging Well at the Library initiative funded by the City of Ottawa`s Older Adult Plan. These programs have been well attended, and staff are currently planning virtual programs for the summer and into the fall. OPL will continue to review the need for their meeting room spaces and requirements for physical distancing, and will bring back in-branch programming when permitted under the provincial re-opening plans, when space is available, when it is safe to do so for both employees and customers, and when staff have the ability to plan and promote accordingly.
I don't read that as encouraging for organizations such as Heritage Ottawa and the Historical Society of Ottawa that use OPL meeting facilities for their popular events. It seems likely meeting facilities at other city buildings will be similarly affected.


  1. The Brockville Museum has already told the Leeds & Grenville Branch that their meeting spaces won't be open until at least 2021.

    Patti M.

  2. The St. Catharines Public library will remain closed until at least September. Library Book club members are now using ZOOM as of last week; curbside pickup of 'holds' books start next week, and deep cleansing and 'fogging' of any returned materials will take 2 weeks after returns. All sorts of online stuff is available, however, staff is so reduced that there is little processing of new material that might be received. As of late this week I was told there were 34 trucks of new materials in waiting.

    The Niagara museums remain all closed and St. Catharines' biggest tourist draw, Morningstar Mill has been closed yesterday to all tourists and hikers because of vandalism and hordes of young people causing serious traffic issues on the roadway. Gail B
