09 August 2020

Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Over 33,000 individuals for the Hounslow area (Bedfont, Chiswick, Cranford, Feltham, Hanworth, Heston, Isleworth, New Brentford and Old Brentford) into its property ownership and occupancy record set.

I Wish I'd Said That
"Genealogy is never finished, it simply stops in interesting places."
borrowed from Paul Gardner on painting

The database is expanded with a changed format.

How to Take a Heritage Tour Without Leaving Your House

New clue unlocks mystery of Halifax Explosion photo

Thanks to this week's contributors: Anonymous, Btyclk, Discover Genealogy, Gail B., Gloria Tubman, Jacqi Stevens, Joanne Stanbridge, Karen Clifford, Rick Roberts, Teresa, Unknown.


  1. I was zooming three days a week for two hours at a time. After one month, fatigue set in. I'm set to zoom today again, but will not return to the thrice weekly, almost mandatory "friend" meetings.

  2. Hi, John,

    There is a problem with the link for "How to Take a Heritage Tour Without Leaving Your House". I clicked on it several times but it does not take me to the article.

