18 December 2020

Genealogy Society Website Hiccup

The website service used by several Canadian societies, including BIFHSGO, Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Genealogical Society, Quebec Family History Society, and perhaps others, has announced they are closing as of mid-2021. EasyNetSites has been a favourite offering many capabilities Societies need. 

While it's possible EasyNetSites assets may be acquired and the service continued under new ownership that's only one possibility. Societies are working behind the scenes to maintain their web service. BIFHSGO has sent a short note on the situation to members with information that all the content is backed up. If a switch in hosting is needed any lapse in service should be brief. 

This could be an opportunity to update a Society's website with an up-to-date appearance. The current design of the BIFHSGO site will be ten years old early next year. Capabilities have changed since EasyNetSites was established.

Although BIFHSGO is not looking for website help to address the issue at present other Societies may appreciate members with web skills volunteering their services. I pen that with some hesitancy as offers of help from well-meaning people without all the necessary skills may well slow rather than accelerate the process.

1 comment:

  1. Thomas MaacEntee is doing some webinars about it. I haven't watched any since I'm not involved in web site maintenance but I'm sure he knows what he's talking about.
