29 January 2021

Newstand Genealogy Magazines now FREE on Overdrive and Libby

Mentioned as pending earlier this month, RBdigital magazines is now available through OverDrive and the Libby subscriptions via your public library.

Find the most recent issue, and back issues of Family Tree (UK), Family Tree (USA), Who Do You Think You Are (UK), History Scotland, BBC History Magazine.

There's lots of current content in The Economist, Canadian Living, National Geographic, The New Yorker and many more.

If you haven't used Overdrive or Libby your public library has instructions on how to access them, or download the app, so you can access the magazines. I find Libby more user friendly.

1 comment:

  1. I'd never heard of Libby so I googled for it. Unfortunately I don't have a library card as our Libraries in Essex County were closed for a while and I didn't get to one before they shut them all down again as a result of the pandemic. I tried to get a card online, but it appears they aren't equipped for that. So I am just out of luck. But thanks for alerting me to it.
