02 January 2021

The Ancestor Hunt Newsletter Subscription Options

If you like to keep up with what's new in US and Canadian genealogy Kenneth Marks has two newsletter options. Here's how he describes them.

Option 1
For the last 5 years, if you have subscribed on my site, you receive 5 times a month in your email a simple list of the links to articles that I have posted on this website since the prior mailing. Sometimes there are about 10 links and lately, many more. I am changing the delivery dates to the 7th, the 15th, the 23rd, and the last day of the month. By subscribing, you will receive 4 emails a month.

Option 2
In the past month, I have started publishing a Bi-Monthly Newsletter (This!), with 4 to 8 pages of all kinds
of useful (I hope) information. It includes links to all the articles published since the previous Bi-monthly
newsletter, as well as articles that I think you might find interesting from other authors. It also includes research tips, a joke or two, and other useful genealogical stuff. By subscribing, you will receive the Bimonthly email twice a month, on the 15th and the last day of the month.

Choose the option you prefer at https://www.theancestorhunt.com/blog/please-read-change-to-subscriptions-two-options


  1. Thank you John. Much appreciated.

  2. thanks again. always look forward to your posts - happy new year! june macnab
