01 February 2021

Internet Genealogy: Feb-Mar 2021

Here's the table of contents for the new issue which will be available on 8 February. 

What Did the Doctor Say?
Robbie Gorr endeavours to help us understand medical terminology encountered in our family history research

Paging Through the Past: Mail-Order Catalogues
Sue Lisk says you might be surprised at what your ancestors could shop for back in the day

Did Your Ancestors Enjoy Attending the State Fair?
Diane L. Richard looks at records of State Fairs and where you might expect to find your ancestors

Researching Ancestors in Railroad Records
George G. Morgan suggests how you can make tracks for successful research

Clocks, Watches, and Their Tax Records in Genealogy
David A. Norris looks at our ancestors’ time-keeping and the taxes they paid on clocks and watches

MacFamilyTree 9
Tony Bandy looks at the latest update of the popular genealogy software for the Mac

Looking Back at the WPA
Sue Lisk reviews some websites and collections related to the massive New Deal agency that aimed to provide useful work to Americans during the Great Depression

BOOK REVIEW: Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet
Christine Woodcock reviews genealogist Chris Paton’s latest book on researching Scottish ancestry

History Hub: Sharing Knowledge
Diane L. Richard looks at a crowdsourced Q&A platform that brings agencies, researchers and citizen archivists together to aid the public in research

Organizing Computer Files
Ed Storey offers advice in naming files and directories used in genealogy housekeeping

Internet Genealogy looks at websites and related news that are sure to be of interest

Back Page: When the Pandemic is Over…
Dave Obee says he’s going to do things differently.

Preview the first page of multi-page articles by clicking the link at https://www.internet-genealogy.com/issue_contents.htm

1 comment:

  1. Interesting John, that story about the WPA in the USA during the depression.

    In driving back and forth to and from Florida in a leisurely fashion many times in my life, and stopping when I saw an intersting sign, or whatever, I learned an awful lot about such work. For example, it was during the depression that the WPA built what is now the main road through the Shenandoah national historic park.

    Another: that former female black slaves dug and built what is now the Norfolk Botanic Garden. I happened to meet a very nice couple from Ontario there, who told me they were from a tiny place no one had ever heard of. It was Manotick, which made me howl with laughter.

    And another: Outside of Charleston South Carolina, I stopped at The Boone Planation, which is now an event venue. The state had set up a shop there, and I was fascinated to learn that many unemployed writers during the depression had met with and interviewed former slaves about their expereinces when they were still slaves, as part of the Federal Writers Project. You can find out more about that at this site:


    I have bought many of those books cheaply since then through Abebooks.com. Cheers, and thanks John. BT
