26 February 2021

LAC Technical difficulties: Collection Search

On Thursday working on a tight timeframe, I was repeatedly greeted with no access to files I'd previously accessed, Instead there was the message "​Collection Search is currently unable to display some images. You may also experience slowness or unexpected errors. We are working actively to resolve these issues."

Imagine going to Amazon or Google and getting the same message. The part of the Government of Canada providing computer services to Library and Archives Canada is generally doing an appalling job at providing service. Even in normal times, response is oh so slow. 

What's you experience?

Agree or disagree?

It is possible I'm getting cranky given the time of year and constraints on movement?

Please post a comment about your experience with LACs online services.


  1. I have always found the site much slower than other sites. And sometimes, when I get to the database I want, it then won’t load the Search page properly.

  2. Like you, I have been trying to access certain documents online (i.e., Orders in Council) and the images either do not appear at all or materialize after a long wait -- just another issue with Collections Search generally.

  3. As other folks find it is THE slowest website with so many glitches.

  4. My experience is the same - particularly that it is slow to load.

  5. Whenever I write about LAC's website, I always warn readers that it is extremely slow at all hours of the day.

  6. I had just been trying to use Collection Search to find out about a particular collection and found it extremely frustrating. And then there was the inability to let me see a particular image. I turned to your site for relief and found this posting! I find Collection Search extremely annoying. And when will we be able to look at any of the photo collections in person again?
    Elizabeth Vincent

  7. My experience with LAC has always been rather up and down depending upon the time of day (better at night and I am a night owl). I find it generally very slow. I also regularly experience glitches which stop me from working in the site for 24 hours.

    I find it interesting that they constantly ask me these days to fill in a survey about future services etc., when I would just be happy to have them fix the ones they have.

    But having worked in research in the Ontario Government for 20 years (but now retired) I found that our hardware at every level in the ministry was appallingly outdated, and I would imagine the same is true with the feds. And anytime that the Provincial government updated our hardware and all software programs we got absolutely NO assistance or information whatsoever about the new stuff! It was crazy. We all helped each other by trying to discover all the ins and outs of the new versions and the new hardware. NUTS!!!
