08 March 2021

Free Access to The Toronto Star Archive

If you're in Ontario you can now get free access to the Toronto Star: Pages of the Past archives covering 1894 - 2015. 

This was mentioned by Gail Dever a couple of days ago. Having now had an opportunity to try it I can report success. I was able to research a topic for a forthcoming Gene-O-Rama presentation and add information to a slide.

The service is offered through the Brampton Public Library. 

To start go to https://www.bramptonlibrary.ca/index.php/about/get-a-library-card, fill out the form and submit it to start your registration. They make it clear Brampton Library membership is free to all residents of Ontario. 

You should receive an acknowledgement and link to another form to complete the registration.

Submit that and shortly, it took only a couple of hours when I did it during regular library work hours, you'll receive a library card number and notification of your password which is the last four digits of the telephone number you gave at registration.

Note your library card number, you'll need it again further along the process. Log on, go to the portal and look in the left-hand column for "eMagazines & Newspapers" or "Research Online". Both will get you to the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail archives, as well Brampton Newspaper Index and Ontario Newspaper Index. To proceed you'll likely need to enter your library card number again.

1 comment:

  1. Just a note - the Toronto Public Library provides access to the Toronto Star and Globe and Mail archives through Proquest. But this is available only to full-access library cardholders who reside in Toronto. Non-residents can get a card for a fee. https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/using-the-library/your-library-card/
