12 March 2021

FreeBMD March Update and Pandemic Impact

The FreeBMD Database was updated on Thursday 11 March 2021 to contain 279,220,849 unique records (278,743,782 at the previous update.)

Years with major additions, greater than 5,000 records are: for births 1986-90; for marriages 1986-89; for deaths 1986, 1988-90. 

Interested in whether COVID has had any impact?

This chart of annual additions (March - March) showing the last year somewhat reversed the long-term decline in records added.

Focusing in on the past year there is an apparent correlation between the number of entries and periods of pandemic lockdown.



  1. And the reason for this change is . . . ?

  2. More people working on genealogy projects of all kinds during lockdown. When you can't go out to work you have to think of something to do.
