22 March 2021

Monday Memories: Vinyl

Which ones of these album covers are for records you own or owned?

Tommy Dorsey takes me back to 1964. I brought the disc to remind me of the UK's first pirate radio station, Radio Caroline, whose first DJ, Simon Dee, used the iconic Sunny Side of the Street fog-horn- like intro for his programme.

You probably have, or had, Carol King's Tapestry and a disk or two by Paul Simon, with or without Art Garfunkel, from the early 1970s. 

Most of the others are ones I purchased in the 1970s, likely in Colorado.

These covers are only a few of the collection which includes well-worn popular classical albums, We'll Keep a Welcome which we used at my father's funeral, and one of Gregorian Chant, both useful to calm the savage breast.


  1. Thanks for this! Not only did I own several of these but I sold them working as a student in the family business in the 70's! No Beatles? Stones? Elvis?

  2. Oh yeah. I had the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Simon & Garfunkle and the Garf alone, Emmerson Lake and Palmer, and almost everything by the Beach Boys and the Beatles.

    I used to warn colleagues when we were doubling up to travel to conferences in the area, that I sing along to the Beach Boys when I traveled, so they had to agree to that if they came with me.

    Interesting. Granddaughter's boyfriend has bougght a turntable and is appreciating vinyl. Cheers, BT

  3. Gave my entire collection of LPs to my niece, who has amassed a vinyl collection of over 4,000 albums. I kept the 45s to record - of course I don't have anything to play them on anymore :). Patti M.
