28 March 2021

Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

The Bayeux Tapestry Digitized

COVID-19 silver linings: Technology has helped universities be more innovative and inventive
This made me wonder whether LAC and other government organizations we deal with could benefit from ThoughtExchange, if they were brave enough. Also whether the flipped classroom has application for family history societies.

Canadian Income by Geography, Sex, and Age

AnAge Database of Animal Ageing and Longevity

British Air Raid Precautions Film- 'Your Book' WWII (1939)

Louvre museum makes its entire collection available online.

Do you have a news blindspot? Analyze the news diet of any account on Twitter with the Blindspotter tool.

Thanks to this week's contributors:  Anonymous, BT, Nancy Cutway, nlf, Peggy Homans Chapman, Susan, Tess, Teresa, Unknown


  1. Gail B. St. C.28 March, 2021 12:44

    What a beautiful brave bunch of comedians in the Red Nose Day event!!!!

    We watched and actually wept for the goodness and warmth they had in daring to take on this event. And with an exception or three, they did it beautifully!

    Thanks for my Sunday treat to go along with all the other useful information on art collections, air raid drills, animal ages and geo-economy. What a collection.

  2. Oh my, so good!! I got tear'y seeing how well they did, and tried to do!! Superb. :)
