03 September 2009

Operation Pied Piper

UK newspapers are remembering the evacuation of nearly 1.5 million people, over half school children, from vulnerable (evacuation) areas, notably London, 70 years ago. The evacuation strated on 1 September, even before WWII was declared. Neil Storey has a nice article in the September issue of Family Tree magazine. There are web resources here, here.

Although Canadians were not directly involved I know of one, and it seems likely that many more children who were evacuated were subsequently evacuated to Canada.

1 comment:

  1. John, Before I reached the age of five I was evacuated from Newcastle upon Tyne to Berwick. For six months I was billeted with a family which I did not know, and I didn't see my parents or younger sister throughout this time. Do you or any of your readers know of any records kept about the evacuations ?
    Ian White (in Ottawa since 1967).
