02 February 2011

Genealogy on lulu.com

On the latest Lisa Louise Cooke Genealogy Gems podcast I learned that she has a new book on Google for genealogists, and that it's part of the growing self-publishing trend.  It promises:

"Google Search: Put an end to fruitless searches forever Google Alerts: Your personal genealogy research assistant Gmail: Never loose another email iGoogle: Create a genealogy research dashboard Google Books: The world’s history at your fingertips Google News Timeline: Get the scoop on your ancestors Google Translate: Open the world of foreign language documents and websites YouTube Videos: Your family history in action Google Earth: Rock your ancestor’s world!"

As Lisa points out, the self-publishing print on demand format will allow her to update the book as Google updates features. You will have the assurance you have an up to date text whenever you buy it, although to get the updates you'll need to buy a new version.

Self publishing services offer print on demand with no expensive inventory to maintain. In this case you can purchase an online version as well as hard copy.

Lisa is far from being the first genealogy author to go the self-publishing route through Lulu.com. Thomas MacEntee offers a FREE simple and easy to use "Getting Started with Google Docs."  Elizabeth Powell Crowe has "Genealogy Online", advertised as "the definitive online genealogy guide--updated with the latest Web 2.0 technologies." You'll also find compilations of Lisa's podcasts, and 133 items from Dick Eastman at $2 each. There are more. Find them by searching from lulu.com.

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