22 September 2015

The Zombie Genealogist

On Saturday I finally got to put a face to tweeter @elle_dee_see, an Ottawa genealogist with a blog LDC: The Zombie Genealogist.

In a post Ottawa's Mini RootsTech: A Quiet Success LDC commented
"I think there were six attendees, MAX, who could have been close to my age, including two presenters, two hosts of a display table and one bored kid on his laptop in the lobby. This is not a new experience for me as far as Canadian/Ontarian genealogy events go. I'm usually the youngest in a sea coloured shades of grey."
Those of us who form that "sea coloured shades of grey" are frequently heard talking about getting younger people involved. How about walking the talk. Check out LDC's Zombie Genealogist site (check out the About), Facebook page which is more active, and follow her on Twitter?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so flattered (okay, I'm super crazy excited! lol) to be the subject of one of your blog posts, John! It was lovely to meet and speak with you at the conference.
