01 November 2016

Glenn Wright says Atten. . . shun!

This Saturday, 5 November, at 10 am Glenn Wright will be presenting a two hour session on Canadian military records for the Ottawa Public Library.
"Canada has a storied military past and researching those who took part can be very rewarding. This presentation will review the records and resources that will help us identify and research an ancestor who served in our military in the 19th and 20th centuries, with emphasis on those men and women who served our country in the First World War, 1914-1919 and the Second World War, 1939-1945. With Remembrance Day upon us, special attention will be paid to those who gave their lives during these conflicts. Learn about the availability of original service files, published histories and online resources that will help you to document and to understand his or her service in time of war. Presented by Glenn Wright, author of Canadians at War 1914-1919: a Research Guide to War Service Records."
The location is the Centrepointe Branch  Main Branch the OPL. There is no charge but OPL members must register here after signing in with their library card number.

1 comment:

  1. John, thanks for mentioning this OPL program. Just a small correction - the presentation will be at the Main Branch, 120 Metcalfe St., not the Centrepointe Branch. Anyone who has trouble registering or doesn't have a library card can call the library at 613-580-2940 to register.
    Glenn Wright is of course the expert on military records and a wonderful speaker - we're very pleased to offer his presentation at the library!
