14 March 2017

Library Elf

Today is the anniversary of the first post on this blog.
On 14 March 2006 I wrote about Library Elf -- a free service that reminds you when your library materials are becoming due. It's still going strong, still recommended.


  1. Congratulations, John. It's been a great run so far, with interesting and helpful commentary from which we all benefit. Keep it up for many more years to come!

  2. Congratulations on 11 years. Perhaps you need an elf to help out around the blog house. Since then the Ottawa Public Library (and I suspect other public libraries) has instituted an e-mail alert system that works very well for notifications - holds, books due, overdue etc. That being said, I am glad your "first" blog posting is still relevant.

  3. Congrats John.
    I am pleased to say as well that there is a Garbage Elf. I registered my address with the City of Ottawa garbage collection service and it tells me 24 hours in advance when collection will happen, and whether it is a black or blue box day. I got sick of looking for what the neighbours were doing and hoping they were right. Cheers, BT

  4. Congratulations John! Appreciate your timely and succinct posts.

  5. Well done John! It takes great fortitude and dedication to provide 11 years of valuable and relevant blogging!The genealogical community has benefited hugely and a number of government and institutional have been kept on their toes. Keep on informing and hounding and we will continue to enjoy the occasional sprinkle of meteorological spice! Cheers, B

  6. Add my congratulations to the many. This Blog is so important. I have passed on bits from it to numerous friends and family because of the variety of topics you cover. Happy Anniversary.

    Gail B

  7. Congratulations on 11 years! I enjoy your posts.

  8. Congratulations John! Thank you for keeping us all informed.

  9. Please let me add my congratulations to the rest. Well done! May you blog many more years yet. Always informative and often entertaining.

  10. Congratulations, John.. 11 years of blogging and your enthusiasm still shows... thank you.
