14 March 2017

Ye Olde Genealogy Faire

Come to the Alberta Genealogical Society conference, themed as Ye Olde Genealogy Faire, and I'll show you how to research a knotty problem Mary Smith, and about researching a Canadian first, both Edmonton residents. That's in my presentation "Researching Early 20th Century British Immigrants to Canada."

With five parallel streams you'll be sure to find something of interest from the "Notable authors, historians and specialists (who) will enlighten the audience with presentations on Canadian, Quebec, British, Irish, Scottish, East European, Czech genealogy, DNA technology, FamilySearch, WDYTYA, WWI, Social Media and more.

Act now. Wednesday, 15 March is the deadline for early bird registration at www.abgenealogy.ca/2017

1 comment:

  1. John, The url with /2017 didn't work for me. I just used the root url to their site then clicked on the 2017 conference icon.
