12 October 2020

BBC History Magazine: November 2020

Happy Thanksgiving.

The most recent issue of BBC History Magazine, likely available free through your local public library subscription to PressReader, has these feature articles those I particularly enjoyed are highlighted:

Sparta’s last stand
Did 300 warriors really defy a mighty Persian army in 480 BC? Andrew Bayliss investigates

Belgian refugees
Alison S Fell relates the experiences of the thousands of Belgians who fled to Britain during the First World War

Medieval genius
Seb Falk argues that the Middle Ages were a hotbed of scientific ingenuity

Sherlock Holmes in skirts
Elizabeth Evens on the pioneering policewomen who snared criminals in turn-of-the-century New York

Europe’s nightmare
Michael Rowe argues that the Franco-Prussian War had an immense impact on the modern world

Fake news and Nazis
Richard J Evans considers what Nazi conspiracy theories can tell us about the Third Reich

Black trailblazers
Angelina Osborne profiles seven black pioneers whose contributions to British history deserve a wider hearing

1 comment:

  1. We subscribe to the physical magazine, and recycle it through 3 friends here --- all of whom are enthusiastic even if they get it months later. It also has an online History Extra online worth checking out.
    Happy Thanksgiving, John.

    Gail B
