13 October 2020

Internet Genealogy Highlights

The table of contents for the October/November 2020 issue was posted at https://anglo-celtic-connections.blogspot.com/2020/10/internet-genealogy-octobernovember-2020.html.

My issue has now arrived in the mail; here are a couple of highlights.

Sue Lisk in Hats Off to Hats! mentions an online exhibit "Hold onto Your Hats!" at the Canadian Museum of History at www.museedelhistoire.ca/cmc/exhibitions/hist/hats/hat00eng.html/. Fashion and Image with sections for 1890-1920, 1920s, 1930-45 and 1945-1965 might be helpful in attempting to date a Canadian photograph.

Robbie Gorr's article The Star Trek Approach to Genealogy is a creative look at applying standard principles while doing genealogy research. May we all live long and prosper! 

Ed Storey In Reach Out and Touch Someone somehow overlooks using a search engine like Google or broad social networks such as Facebook in locating living relatives.

I usually turn first to Dave Obee's Back Page article when the magazine arrives. Following his prescription in Don't Discard Those Documents ... Just Yet! to "hang on to documents until you are sure they do not matter" is in contrast to the advice of Marie Kondo to only retain things that spark joy.


  1. Are you suggesting that amassing all those documents doesn't spark joy?

  2. No joy when they become burdensome.
