17 June 2012

Digitizing Canadian WW1 publications

Below is a long list of items relating to Canadian involvement in the First World War being digitized.

You`d think with all the noise Library and Archives Canada is making about digitization that would be the institution doing it. Don`t be distracted by the noise. The heavy lifting is being done by the British Library as part of The Europeana Collections 1914-1918 project.

The collection will be digitised and distributed free as it is believed that the copyright in much of this content has expired. Should you believe that you hold rights in any of the material, please write to Teresa Harrington, Project Support Officer, Europeana Collections 1914-1918, The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB with proof of copyright ownership.

Items in bold are already available on the Internet Archive

  1. Hay, A. W. and H. J. Horan, Syllabus of Infantry Training, as Suggested by Notes on Company Training Issued by the General Staff and Adopted by 52nd Overseas Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force. (London: Hugh Rees, 1916) 
  2. The Empire at War (London: Oxford University Press, 1921-26) 
  3. Canadian War Records Office, The Canadian War Pictorial (London: Hodder and Staughton, 1916) 
  4. Beck  de, A. M., Women of the Empire in Wartime (London: Dominion of Canada News Co. Ltd., 1916) 
  5. Armstrong, E. H., The Crisis of Quebec, 1914-18 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1937) 
  6. Roberts , T. G. (ed), Histories of Canadian Battalions (London: Canadian War records Office, 1918) 
  7. Canada Army, 78th Overseas Battalion, Winnippeg Grenadiers, (Winnipeg: Canadian Army, 1916)
  8. Canada Army, 77th Overseas Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, (Ottawa: Canadian Army, 1916) 
  9. Adami , J. G., The War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps (London: Canadian War records Office, 1918) 
  10. Canada Army, Thirty Canadian VCs 23rd April 1915 to 30th March 1918 (London: Canada War Records Office, 1918) 
  11. Canada Army, A Brief History of the Canadian Grenadier Guards and the first months of the Royal Montreal regiment in the Great War (Montreal:  Gazette Printing Co., 1926) 
  12. Fetherstonhaugh, R. C., The RoyalMontrealRegiment 14th Battalion C. E. F. 1914 – 1925 (Montreal: Gazette Printing Co., 1927) 
  13. Hopkins, J. C.,Canadaat War, a record of heroism and achievement, 1914 – 1918  (Toronto: Canadian Annual Review Ltd., 1919) 
  14. Cameron,K, History of No. 1 General Hospital Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914 – 1919 (Sackville: NB Tribune Press, 1938) 
  15. Nasmith, G G,Canada’s Sons andGreat Britainin the World War (Toronto: John C. Winston Co., 1919) 
  16. Canada Army,Canadain Khaki, a tribute to the officers and men now serving in the overseas military forces ofCanada(London: Canada War Records Office, 19–) 
  17. Newfoundland Army, The First Five Hundred, being a historical sketch of the operations of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment in Gallipoli and on the Western Front during the Great War 1914 – 1918 (Albany: C. F. Williams and Son, 19–)           
  18. Canada Army, The Brazier, a regimental journal nos. 1-9 (France, 1916-17) 
  19. Canada Army, The Canadian Sapper. (Official magazine of the Canadian Engineers.) vol. 1. no. 1-vol. 3. no. 15. Feb. 1918-April 1919 (Seaford, England: Canadian Engineers Training Depot, 1918-19)
  20. Canada Army, The C.R.O. Bulletin. War souvenir number, Xmas 1918 (London, 1918) 
  21. Chronicles of Cliveden. (“Stand Easy.”) vol. 1. no. 1. 30 June 1917 (Cliveden, 1917)
  22. Canada Army, The Sling. A little journal published by the boys of a Canadian Field Ambulance. no. 1, 2. Jan., Oct. 1917 (London, 1917) 
  23. Canada Army, The RouellesCampMagazine. Canadian Base Depot, Havre. vol. 2-4 (Havre: Imprimerie du Havre-Éclair, 1916) 
  24. CanadaArmy The Vics Patrol. (The active service journal of the Victoria Rifles of Canada.) vol. 1. no. 1-3. June-Dec. 1916 (London, 1916) 
  25. Canada Army, The Dead Horse Corner Gazette. no. 1-3. Oct. 1915-June 1916 (Manchester and London, 1915-16) 
  26. Canada Army, La Vie Canadienne. A monthly [sic] magazine for the Canadian Section, General Headquarters, 3rd Echelon. vol. 1. no. 1-15. (Rouen , 1915-18) 
  27. Canada Army, The Listening Post. no. 1-9, 11-33. Aug. 1915-Mar. 1919 (France, 1915-19) 
  28. Canada Army, Trench Echo. 4 no. Christmas 1915-Christmas 1917 (At the Front, 1915-17) 
  29. Canada Army, Reconstruction (A bulletin published by the Canadian Military Hospitals Commission…)(Ottawa, 1918) 
  30. Bourassa, H., La Conscription (Montreal: Editions du Devoir, 1917) 
  31. Bourassa, H., The Foreign Policy of Great Britain (Montreal: Editions du Devoir, 1915) 
  32. Bourassa, H., Hier, aujourd’hui, demain. Problemes Nationaux (Montreal: Editions du Devoir, 1916) 
  33. Bourassa, H., La Langue Francais auCanada  (Montreal: Editions du Devoir, 1915) 
  34. Bourassa, H., La politique de l’Angleterre avant et après le guerre (Montreal: Editions du Devoir, 1914) 
  35. Bourassa, H., Le ‘Devoir’, son origine, son passé, son avenir (Montreal: Editions du Devoir, 1915) 
  36. Bourassa, H., Le ‘Devoir’ et la guerre. Le conflit des races (Montreal: Editions du Devoir, 1916) 
  37. Bourassa, H., Le probleme de l‘Empire (Montreal: Editions du Devoir, 1916) 
  38. Bourassa, H., L’intervention americaine (Montreal: Editions du Devoir, 1917) 
  39. Roux, E., Bourassa au service l’Allemagne (Montreal: Perrault, 1917) 
  40. Canada Army, The Maple Leaf, the magazine of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (London, 1916) 
  41. Victor, E A.,Canada’s Future: what she offers after the war (Toronto: Macmillan, 1916) 
  42. Fielding, E., Short Stories ofJamaicaand the War (Jamaica, 1915) 
  43. Horner, A. E., From the Island of the Sea: Glimpses of the West Indian Battalion inFrance(Nassau: Guardian Office, 1919) 
  44. Cundall, F.,Jamaica’s Part in the Great War 1914 – 1918, (London: Institute of Jamaica, 1925)
  45. Lisser  de, H.G.,Jamaicaand the Great War (Kingston: Gleaner Press, 1917) 
  46. Canada Army, Oh,Canada! A medley of stories, verse, pictures and music contributed by the Canadian Expeditionary Force (London: Simpkin, Marshal and Co., 1916)


Archivus said...

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It does boggle the mind why LAC is not involved in such a project as this, especially with the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the war in two years. I am especially glad to see a selection of unit newspapers and magazines included on the list. LAC has a large collection of such publications ... locating them is another matter, of course.

BreakoutBoxHPL said...

LAC should be involved...but here's a website offering possible explanations why they are not.


123rdbattalion@gmail.com said...

Hi. Is any progress being made on this project to digitize the listed items? I am particularly interested in item 19 -'The Canadian Sapper'.

bowenva3@yahoo.ca said...

Like 123rd said, I'm anxious to view Fetherstonhaugh's book on the 3rd Canadian General Hospital. My great-aunt, Muriel Maud Birkett Clark, was a nursing sister in this hospital & I'm trying to put together a scrapbook for my daughter (who has just received her nursing diploma) on MMBC's war service.