18 January 2014

Ancestry adds Nova Scotia, Canada, Census, Assessment and Poll Tax Records, 1770-1795, 1827

Just 22,268 records are in this collection sourced from the Nova Scotia Archives and now available through Ancestry.ca


Digital images of original census records for 1827 give "the number of males and females in the family; number of hired labourers or male servants employed; whether engaged in agriculture, manufacturing, or commerce; religion; number of family members who were born, buried or died in the census year; number of acres cultivated; and agricultural statistics (amount of crops grown and number of livestock owned).

Nova Scotia Poll Tax Rolls, 1791–1793. 
In 1791 in an effort to pay down the provincial debt, the Nova Scotia legislature placed a poll tax on all adult males. The amount of the tax depended on a person’s occupation and livestock owned, and legislation was amended over the years until the tax’s repeal in 1796. (One such amendment can be found on the Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management website.) This collection includes an index for the years 1791–1793, and results are linked to images of the records on the Nova Scotia Archives website. The index includes the name and location for each person. Records in this collection are from the following counties:

Tax Records
Among the original records in this collection are tax-related records from the Gideon White Family Papers. Gideon White was a loyalist from Massachusetts who moved to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, during the American Revolution. He served as tax collector for a time, and tax records for the years 1786–1787 are included in the collection. They provide names and addresses of Shelburne taxpayers, occupations, and county and poor taxes owed."

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