10 October 2019

Genetic non-discrimination bill challenged

I thought this was settled in Canada, but apparently not.

That's according to the iPolitics item — Genetic non-discrimination bill passed by Parliament, but challenged by government at top court.

"Thursday the Supreme Court of Canada is hearing a historical and probably unparalleled challenge, one where the government is part of a constitutional reference that targets a bill passed almost unanimously by Parliament.

The bill in contention is the 2017 Genetic Non-Discrimination Act, legislation that originated in the Senate and was passed by both the Senate and the House of Commons.

The entire Liberal cabinet voted against the bill, while most MPs and senators voted for it."

The concern is whether it's a properly within federal jurisdiction.

The Supreme Court hearing starts at 9:30 am Ottawa time and will be streamed live — https://www.scc-csc.ca/home-accueil/index-eng.aspx

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