There were 22 people at the meeting of the Scottish genealogy interest group on Saturday at the Ottawa City Archives when the topic of genealogy software came up. Ken McKinlay mentioned three major programs, Family Tree Maker, Legacy Family Tree and Roots Magic. I asked which program attendees used. The results:
Family Tree Maker - 12
Legacy - 3
PAF - 2
Millennium - 1
Reunion (for Mac) - 2
TNG - 1
Some attendees used more than one program. I was surprised that nobody mentioned The Master Genealogist despite there being an active Ottawa user group.
The result didn't surprise me even though product evaluations that show the first three to be very comparable in capabilities. Family Tree Maker has a long history in the Ottawa area with local expertise and Global Genealogy presence at events twice a year for sales and often, as this year on May 4th and September 20th, presentations by Rick Roberts.
Some attendees used more than one program. I was surprised that nobody mentioned The Master Genealogist despite there being an active Ottawa user group.
I asked about other recording techniques. Paper and binders or file folders with family group sheets continue to hold a significant place.
Ken mentioned Randy Seaver's blog as a good place to keep up to date on developments with those three major programs. Ken will be giving a short overview presentation at the educational session starting BIFHSGO's May meeting on these three programs.
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