15 March 2021

Monday Memories: Money

You come home from a holiday or business trip with a few bills in your wallet. 

Some aren't worth the trip to the exchange bureau, some you keep in the hope you'll return, or just as souvenirs. 

They pile up in the container where you throw them.

Occasionally you take them out, along with the coins and tokens you accumulated. That's all it takes for the memories to flood back.


Anonymous said...

A dear chum keeps foreign currency bills in stacks in a large free standing wooden cabinet in his bathroom, so that every time he takes out his shaver he remembers wher he has been. Cheers, BT

Btyclk said...

I have a couple of different currencies just waiting to be used.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully when the fellow shaving remembers where he has been, he remembers where he is now is.😉 Sorry BT, could not resist.

Anonymous said...

It's fine. I think it's a howl too. Cheers, BT